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Shandong Yuntai organizes tourism activities

10-08-2019 山東運泰

YUNTAI company produce agricultural machinery and accessories matched with 18 to 500 horsepower tractor. Including the tillage, fertilizering,Seeding, harvesting, transporting and plant protection machinery. Main equipments are disk plow, disc harrow, subsoiler, rotavator, rear blade, spreader, mower, trailer, grain cart, potato harvester, thresher etc. Main accessories are farm disc blade, plowshare, plow shovel, harrow tine, bearing assembly, harrow axle, trailer axles ,forging parts, casting parts and so on.

YUNTAI company produce 20,000 sets tractor implements and 1,500,000 pcs of accessories annually and have its owe R & D team and strong production capacity.

YUNTAI company produce agricultural machinery and accessories matched with 18 to 500 horsepower tractor. Including the tillage, fertilizering,Seeding, harvesting, transporting and plant protection machinery. Main equipments are disk plow, disc harrow, subsoiler, rotavator, rear blade, spreader, mower, trailer, grain cart, potato harvester, thresher etc. Main accessories are farm disc blade, plowshare, plow shovel, harrow tine, bearing assembly, harrow axle, trailer axles ,forging parts, casting parts and so on.



電(dian)話: 0086-534-5337999/5337998

E-mail: sdyuntai@mjdna.cn

地址: 山東(dong)省齊河經濟開發區緯二路以(yi)南、名嘉東(dong)路以(yi)西

